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MIssion  VIsion  Values


Education in general, and STEAM in particular, is the gateway to children’s futures. Unfortunately, for some, this gateway is not accessible or inclusive, it does not meet their needs, and can have a long term negative impact on their future.

Providing equitable access to STEAM enrichment programs allows every student to receive the positive benefits and opportunities made available through STEAM.


Young STEAMers’ mission is to ignite the imaginations of underserved children by providing hands-on STEAM enrichment activities that inspire, educate, and empower. Through interactive and engaging experiences, we aim to bridge the educational gap and foster a lifelong love for learning among these young minds. Our passionate instructors not only teach but are also role models that help kids realize their dreams and maximize their potential.




Creating a world with equitable access to STEAM careers for all youth.



Respect: We treat others with dignity and worth, and acknowledge their unique contributions


Trust & Integrity: We demonstrate trust in each other through honesty, consistency, clear communication, gratitude, and empathy.


​Equity & Inclusion: We provide equal opportunities irrespective of socioeconomic background, ethnicity, or gender


Empowerment: We encourage, support, and guide  each other to reach our goals 


Innovation: We approach challenges with an open mind and promote fearless curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills


Perseverance: We keep working toward goals despite challenges, obstacles, or discouragement.​           

​“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”

–Maya Angelou

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